Adrenal fatigue - Hormone Harmony Clinic

What is Adrenal Fatigue?

Adrenal fatigue isn't an accepted medical diagnosis, but it's a term used by some doctors to describe a set of symptoms like fatigue, body aches, trouble sleeping, anxiety, and more. The theory is that your adrenal glands (which produce hormones like cortisol that help your body cope with stress) get worn down from chronic stress. But is it real? Let's dig in!

What Causes Adrenal Fatigue? Supporters say adrenal fatigue happens after long periods of intense stress that eventually "burn out" your adrenal glands, leading to low cortisol levels. Potential triggers include:

"I was working 60 hour weeks, barely sleeping, and eating garbage. Eventually, I crashed and had all the symptoms of adrenal fatigue." - Karen P., Denver

Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms If you have adrenal fatigue, you may experience:

Hmm, that covers just about everyone dealing with modern life stress, right? 😉

Is Adrenal Fatigue Legit? The truth is, mainstream medicine doesn't recognize adrenal fatigue as a distinct diagnosis. Why? Because the symptoms are so vague and there's no proven way to test for it. Your doc will likely check for conditions like anemia, sleep apnea, depression, or an underactive thyroid instead.

That said, chronic stress absolutely hammers your body over time. So even if adrenal fatigue isn't an official thing, managing your stress is crucial for overall health and well-being.

How to Reset Your Adrenals Whether you buy into the adrenal fatigue idea or not, these tips can help reduce stress:

And if you're still struggling with fatigue, brain fog, or hormonal issues, it may be time to see an expert. The caring team at Hormone Harmony Clinic( offers advanced hormone testing and treatment to help you feel your best.

At the end of the day, managing stress is just good self-care. Don't let adrenal fatigue get you down - take control of your health today!

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